Tea for Upset Stomach and Help to Relieve

Green tea is the overall best for an upset stomach. Apart from that, Ginger tea and Peppermint teas are also good for an upset stomach.

Tea for upset stomach and help to relieve

An upset stomach or dyspepsia is a familiar painful process as almost all of us have to go through it from time to time. Having a cup of tea can help to relieve from upset stomach. But the question is which tea for an upset stomach? The type of tea that you are taking will have an impact on the stomach pain relief. In general, Green tea or Peppermint are both effective teas for upset stomachs and help to relieve.

What is an upset stomach?

An upset stomach or dyspepsia is a health condition when you are feeling uncomfortable after eating something and there are some issues with digestion. Some of the symptoms of an upset stomach are heartburn, upper abdominal pain, fullness, and belching.

Normally, you can treat it by following some home remedies. Certain types of teas are also very effective in getting rid of upset stomachs and help to relieve them. Here’s the list for you.

7 Best Tea For Upset Stomachs and Help to Relieve

  1. Ginger Tea
  2. Green Tea
  3. Peppermint Tea
  4. Licorice root tea
  5. Dandelion tea
  6. Fennel Tea
  7. Chamomile tea


  1. Ginger Tea

Being rich in Vitamin C, Magnesium, and other minerals, ginger tea is the best option to get relief from an upset stomach. You just need to add ginger root to the tea. Indigestion is the most common cause of an upset stomach. Ginger is effective in improving gut health and supporting the digestion system.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea has numerous health benefits of its essential ingredients like catechins, caffeine, and L-theanine. It is also effective in treating H pylori bacterial infection. When you are feeling pain in your stomach, a cup of green tea will help to relieve it. Apart from that, you can drink green tea regularly to maintain your good health.

  1. Peppermint Tea

If your goal is to soothe your stomach and get quick relief from stomach pain, peppermint tea is the best tea for upset stomachs and helps to relieve. You can also drink it for indigestion problems. It’s super effective for several gastrointestinal symptoms. You drink peppermint tea daily without any side effects.

  1. Licorice root tea

In Ayurveda, Licorice root tea is praised highly for its several health benefits and anti-bacterial properties to get relief from various health issues. It’s native to India, the Middle East, and some other parts of Asia. Currently, it’s also available in the USA and exported by various tea brands. Having a sip of the Licorice root tea will reduce your stomach pain.

  1. Dandelion tea

Dandelion tea is manufactured from the root of Dandelion. The dandelion tea is not only useful for reducing the stomach health but also, it’s useful for improving the overall heart health. It will offer you relief from stomach pain, upset stomach, indigestion, and other issues with gut health. According to some studies, it’s essential for managing blood sugar levels.

  1. Fennel Tea

Fennel tea is comparably less common compared to the licorice root. But it has almost a similar healing power to licorice root. It is available in Europe and Southern Europe. If you can’t get the Licorice root tea at your local store, the Fennel Tea will be a good alternative for you as the perfect tea for upset stomach and help to relieve.

  1. Chamomile tea

Are you someone with a sweet tooth? Looking for a sweet-flavored tea to get rid of your upset stomach? You are going to love the sweet flavor of chamomile tea. It tastes good and at the same time, it is better to treat upset stomach, gas, bloating, and indigestion issues.

What Causes An Upset Stomach?

If you want to get a permanent solution to your upset stomach, you have to know the causes. In most of the cases, inflammation is the main culprit for an upset stomach. It is divided into three categories based on the causes.

If you suddenly start feeling pain in your stomach, it’s most probably caused by the inflammation. When you feel an upset stomach after eating something, a digestion problem is the reason here for the pain. For females, menstrual cramps, ovulation, and reproductive cycle could be the reason for the upset stomach.

Home Remedies To Get Relief From Upset Stomach?

  1. Drink Sufficient Water

This is the simplest solution on earth to get relief from an upset stomach. Dehydration could be a key reason for your upset stomach or stomach pain. If that’s the case, drinking a glass of mineral water will reduce your pain quickly and give you relief from an upset stomach. But you should not drink too much water at a time.

  1. Avoid Lying Down Instantly

Some people used to go to bed just after having a meal. This is not a good habit for your stomach health. It gets difficult for the digestive system to digest the food when your body is in a horizontal position. You should wait for at least one or two hours after eating.

  1. Chew Some Ginger

Ginger is rich in antioxidants. That’s why it has lots of health benefits and has the ability to provide relief from various heart and stomach-related problems. It’s one of the most common ingredients found in every kitchen. So, if you are worried about which home remedies to try for your upset stomach, you should go for the Ginger.

  1. Apply A Hot Towel

Applying a hot towel is a simple and effective natural remedy for an upset stomach without any medications. You just need to take a towel and press it on something hot to make it warm. Then, you should press on the stomach area with the towel. It will make you feel good from the stomach pain and upset stomach.

How to Take Care Of Your Stomach To Prevent Upset Stomach?

The above procedures will help you to reduce your pain from upset stomach or dyspepsia. But if you want to prevent it from happening again in the future, you have to take care of your stomach health. Following the below habits will keep your stomach healthy and avoid an upset stomach in the future.

  1. Drink Plenty Of Water Regularly

Drinking water is good for the overall health. You should drink around 15 cups of water per day for men and 11 cups of water for female. In Liter, the male should drink around 3.5 liters of water daily and 2.7 liters of water for females.

  1. Eat Slowly

If you eat fast, your body doesn’t get the required time to digest the food. Also, you are more likely to eat the food without chewing properly. This is not going to happen when you eat food slowly. It will be good for the stomach.

  1. Don’t Eat Late Night Meals

After eating late-night meals, you are most likely to go to sleep immediately. That will restrict your digestion system from working properly. There should be a gap of 1 to 2 hours between the meal and going to sleep.

  1. Do Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is a must to keep your overall body fit and healthy. It is also important for the stomach, gut, and digestion systems. You are more likely to face different types of difficulties including upset stomach and other digestive issues if you stay idle without any physical activities.

3 Mistakes To Avoid Indigestion Issues, Upset Stomach And Stomach Pain

  1. Don’t Add Milk or Sugar to the Tea

When you are suffering from stomach issues, you should completely avoid sugar and milk. Adding sugar or milk to the tea will decrease the health benefits of the tea and it will get more difficult for your stomach to digest those.

  1. Avoid Caffeinated Sodas

Caffeinated sodas are not suitable drinks to eat when you are suffering from an upset stomach. Eating soft drinks with caffeinated sofas will make things worse for the stomach pain. You can go for fresh juices.

  1. Don’t eat too much spices.

Eating too much spice is another bad habit that can cause you an upset stomach on a regular basis. When you eat spices excessively it gets difficult for your body to digest. As a result, you are going to face digestive issues, inflammation, and upset stomach.

The above teas should help you with upset stomach and help to relieve. If you don’t feel comfortable even after trying several natural remedies, a doctor’s recommendation will be required. You should not neglect the stomach pain. Sometimes, stomach pain is the initial sign of another big disease. If you’re suffering from an upset stomach regularly, you must go to a gastroenterologist is a specialist.


Which tea is best for an upset stomach?

A. Green tea is the overall best for an upset stomach. Apart from that, Ginger tea and Peppermint teas are also good for an upset stomach.

What tea is good for clearing the stomach?

A. Peppermint tea is highly recommended and has been used for more than 100 years to clear the stomach and treat other stomach issues.

What can I drink to stop an upset stomach?

A. You can drink apple juice, grape juice, cherry juice, and cranberry juice to stop an upset stomach. You should avoid drinks with caffeinated sodas.

How can I settle my stomach in 5 minutes?

A. You have to do two things. Drink a glass of warm water by mixing honey and lemon with it. Then, you have to put a gentle warm compress on the stomach area.

What is the best tea for gas?

  1. Peppermint tea, ginger tea, and chamomile tea are the best teas for gas. If you don’t have those ingredients, you can try the lemon tea.

Is chai tea good for an upset stomach?

A. Adrak Chai is good for an upset stomach. If you add milk to the chai, it won’t be good for the stomach. It can even make things worse.