15 Questions To Help You To Discover Your Life Purpose

To find your purpose, you must know your values. If you don’t value yourself, perhaps no one else will do.


All of us have a hidden desire to lead a meaningful life. Only a few can make their life meaningful by finding purpose in life and fulfilling it. Would you like to include yourself in that list by finding your purpose?

It would be the most wonderful day of your life when you will find your life purpose. Hopefully, today is going to be that day!!! We are going to reveal the best 15 questions to help you to discover your life purpose.

Let’s discover purpose in life and make it meaningful.

Top 15 questions to discover your life purpose

  1. What Make Me Feel Happy?
  2. What is your value?
  3. What is your passion?
  4. What are your strengths?
  5. What are your weaknesses?
  6. What does my Inner Voice say to find my purpose?
  7. Are you focusing on Personal development?
  8. Which things holding me back?
  9. What will make you feel regret at the end of your life?
  10. Am I ready to get myself out of my comfort zone?
  11. What Makes you feel energetic?
  12. Which things motivate me?
  13. What do you want to be remembered for?
  14. What is my ultimate goal?
  15. Which step can I take today?

1.What Make Me Feel Happy?

Happiness is the most desired thing on earth. It’s important for both our mental and physical health. If you don’t find your happiness you won’t be able to make your loved ones happy. You must find your happiness to discover purpose in life.

When you are putting times on 15 questions to discover your life purpose, the first question you should ask yourself is what makes me feel happy? Give priority to any activity that brings joy in your life and put a smile on your face. It will push you forward in finding a purpose.

2. What is your value?

To find your purpose,you must know your values. If you don’t value yourself, perhaps no one else will do. Question yourself about your value. It’s the standard of your life that will help you to choose which activities you should give priority to.

You have to be brutally honest with yourself while answering this question. You can increase your value through growing positive habits. Remember that your value is directly connected with finding a purpose.

3. What is your passion?

When you become serious with 15 questions to discover your life purpose, you should ask what is my passion? How can it assist me to find my purpose? After finding the answer, you will be one step ahead to discover purpose in life.

If your passion is not directly connected with a specific skill, you should search for a relevant skill to your passion. Working on that skill will bring a purpose in life test. If you find it difficult to discover your true passion, you can do meditation and think with a fresh mind.

4: What are your strengths?

In the journey of finding life purpose, you should be aware of your strengths. You will be able to achieve great purposes when you utilize your strength fully. To do so, you have to identify your strengths.

Passion and strength are two different things. People often mismatch those things. Passion is something that you love to do. On the other hand, strength is something that you are really good at.

5: What are your weaknesses?

As you are willing to discover purpose in life, you should identify your weaknesses too. Only then you can work on your weaknesses to improve in that particular sector. Many people make the mistake of focusing on their strengths only.

In some stages of life, it is more important to know about weakness than strength. It will help you with showing the roadmap to areas of improvement. That will help to find your purpose.

6: What does my Inner Voice say to find my purpose?

Our inner voice says the most authentic fact about ourselves. This is one of the most important questions of the 15 questions to discover your life purpose. You must listen to what your inner voice says about your life purpose.

If you hear that inner voice, it will be easier for you to achieve it. You should say to yourself that I have to find my purse and listen to your inner answer. It will make you feel more active in working on that.

7: Are you focusing on Personal development?

Personal development is essential for improving self-awareness, greater resilience, and setting up goals. You are going to lead a meaningful life knowing the true purpose of your life. So, you should be focusing on personal development.

If you are already focusing on personal development, that’s great. If not, you should make a list of the areas that you want to improve. Discovering the answer will push you forward to find purpose in life test.

8: Which things holding me back?

We have to go through different phases in our life. Throughout the journey, we have to face different types of obstacles. It could be physical obstacles, physiological obstacles, or mental obstacles. You should question yourself what are obstacles in your life.

Then, you have to keep your distance from those obstacles. It will take you one step ahead to discover your life purpose. You can visualize if you could make a life, what would you like to include in that?

9: What will make you feel regret at the end of your life?

Almost all of us have some regrets about something in our lives. When you are serious about 15 questions to discover your life purpose, you should question yourself about the regret that you may feel in the future.

Then, you should work on that to eliminate the factor. Don’t focus on the outcomes. Just try your best so that you don’t feel any regret that you haven’t tried. It will make you feel better at the final stage of your life.

10: Am I ready to get myself out of my comfort zone?

Change is inevitable in human life. If you restrict yourself in your comfort zone, you won’t be able to find the purpose of your life and achieve it. You have to put pressure on yourself to find a purpose.

It will give you a better overview of the meaning of life. Let's get out of the comfort zone and start working on your life goal. Otherwise, you are going to achieve your personal development goal.

11: What Makes you feel energetic?

When you are finding a purpose in your life, it means you have to lead a meaningful life. On that journey, you may feel low sometimes. You need to keep yourself busy with activities that make you feel more energetic.

To do that, you have to discover what boosts your energy level. It can be playing any outdoor games, swimming, outdoor activities, or any certain skill-based work. Include that active in your lifestyle while finding a purpose.

12: Which things motivate me?

When you want to replace your old habits with some new productive habits, self-motivation will boost you in finding purpose in life and reach closer to your goal. To do that, you have to question yourself which things motivate you.

If you get to know the exact points that motivate you, it will make your life more meaningful. You will be able to stay focused on your goal. At the same time, it will keep you consistent on your track.

13: What do you want to be remembered for?

All of us have some hidden desire that we do not reveal that often. Is there any such ambition hidden in your thoughts? If you are going to be remembered, what’s the reason you would it to be?

Ask yourself the questions for discovering purpose in life. It will be really incredible if you can make this happen. When you discover what’s going to be the reason, it will be easier to get there.

14: What is my ultimate goal?

You should have asked already a lot of questions about finding life's purpose. At this stage, you should have got some clarity about your life purpose. Now, you have to question what is my ultimate goal.

In simple words, you have to discover what you would like to achieve in your life. It will give you clarity about your life. You will be more motivated from the inside to achieve the ultimate goal.

15: Which step can I take today?

Planning has zero value until you execute it. You might have planned to do so many things in your life but ultimately things that matter the most is the execution. So, question yourself about the steps or actions that you can perform today.

Taking the first step is the most challenging task. At the same time, it is also the most important step in finding purpose in life test. To keep tracking your progress, you should write a diary about the actions that you’re taking.

So, those were the top 15 questions to discover your life purpose. If you want to know your purpose in life, you must ask yourself those questions.

What Is My Purpose in Life?

In every stage of your life, you should have a definitive life purpose. Do you know what is your purpose in life? Well, here’s some tips to find the answer.

Life purpose is something that influences your behavior, motivates you, and keeps you aware of your goal in life. Purpose in life should be something meaningful that adds value to your life.

You can discover your purpose in life with the questions that we have mentioned above. Knowing the life purpose is all about discovering what you love to do, what’s your passions, and discovering what you want to achieve in your life.

That’s all you need to find the answer to know what is my life purpose.

Why Should I Have A Life Purpose?

If you want to live a meaningful life that will give you the proper joy of living, you need to have a life purpose. Without having any purpose, you will feel and get distracted in your life. Having a purpose will make your life truly worthy of living.

Without having any goal, you will feel lost and you won’t be able to focus on your personal development and growth. At the end stage of your life, this is going to make your life full of regrets. To keep those negativities away from your life, you should have a life purpose.

How To Find My Purpose in Life?

To find your life purpose, you need to identify the things that make you happier. Also, you have to identify your core values, strengths, weaknesses, and desired achievements, and taking new challenges.

You have to focus on activities that make your life meaningful and remove regrets from your life. Also, you can grow productive and positive habits in your life to add more value to your life.

If you are eager to know how to find purpose or how to find your purpose in life, you have to discover those answers.

How To Find One's Purpose In Life?

Getting overwhelmed about how to find my purpose? Let me assist you with that.

You should take a diary and write down which things you dream of achieving, what makes you happier, what you like to do, which activities you are really good at, and for which reason you would like to be remembered for.

When you get answers to those questions, you will get the answer of how to know your life purpose. The next time when someone questions you about how you find your purpose in life, you should ask him for those answers.

That’s all we have to inform you about 15 questions to help you to discover your life purpose. Finding those answers will add a new meaningful dimension to your life.

You will start feeling better and more productive with your work. Also, it will be helpful for you to boost your professional career.


How to find purpose in life questionnaire?

A. Here are some seriously important questions to find purpose in life: where do you want to see yourself after 5 years or 10 years? Are you happy with your present condition? Are you doing the task that makes your life meaningful? How do you value yourself?

What are the best questions to ask about life?

A. Some of the best questions to ask about someone’s life are: what is the happiest movement of your life? Are you giving priority to your happiness? Who has been the biggest inspiration of your life? What’s the task that you can do for hours without getting any rewards?

How do I find my aim in life?

A. You can find your aim in life by questioning yourself about your passion, goal, strength, weakness, and desired achievements.

How do I find my definite purpose in life?

A. You need to identify your specific goal and have a visualization of the future about what you want to achieve to find your definite purpose in life.

What are 10 wants in life?

A. Happiness, money, freedom, peace, joy, balance, fulfillment, health, stability, and passion are 10 common wants in everyone’s life.