Michael Smith

Michael Smith Creative Writer at MediconLive

Articles by Michael Smith

Difference Between Coconut Milk Powder And Coconut Water Powder

Coconut is such a fruit that you can eat in different forms of food and drinks. Coconut milk powder and coconut water both are popular coconut beve

Seaweed Do I Need for Daily Vegetable for Complete Nutrition

Sea vegetable seaweed has been a popular snack for hundreds of years. At first, it gained popularity in Japan, Korea, and China. Nowadays, it is al

Joyous Laughter NYT Crossword Puzzle Clues

In the New York Times, a crossword puzzle was published recently that makes many people scratching heads. The crossword clue was Joyous Lau

How Much Does A Pint Of Blood Weigh

For the human body, blood is a variable factor. On average, the human body has around 8 pints to 10.5 pints of blood. Though the weight of blood va

Great Foods To Eat To Lose Belly Fat

Getting extra belly fat is such a single factor that can cause several serious health problems. It can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, liver p

15 Questions To Help You To Discover Your Life Purpose

All of us have a hidden desire to lead a meaningful life. Only a few can make their life meaningful by finding purpose in life and

How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself ?

Being the best version of yourself is such a thought that comes to all of our minds from time to time. As you’re here, it’s pretty obvi